Josh Dirkse
Senior Vice President of Client Services
Josh Dirkse joined Aegis Corporation 2009. He is the key customer service contact for all information management systems including the Aegis IMS (Insurance Management System), and Aegis Corporation Reports Online. Josh also assists the claims, loss control, and underwriting staff in the development of meaningful reports that allow the company to better assist clients. In addition, he provides clients with ad-hoc and customized reports.
Josh works with the underwriting and development staff in marketing through designing proposals, and expanding the company's presence on social media, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and email marketing.
Josh is a licensed Wisconsin Insurance Intermediary and a 2008 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science. He is currently in the process of obtaining his ARM-P (Associates in Risk Management for Public Entities) through the AICPCU-IIA (American Institute for CPCU and Insurance Institute of America).